FAQ Conneci

If you lose your Conneci Tag, it's essential to deactivate it immediately through the Conneci App. You can then acquire a new tag to continue safeguarding your belongings.
Yes, you can grant access to trusted contacts through the Conneci App, enhancing security and recovery capabilities.
Activation is done through the Conneci App. Follow the simple steps provided with your Conneci Tags to register and link your QR code to your account, ensuring it's ready for secure connections.
Purchasing Conneci Tags is easy. Visit our website, select the desired tags for your specific needs, and proceed with the secure online purchase. Tags will be shipped to your provided address.
Yes! Conneci extends its functionality beyond lost items. Users can contribute to community safety by notifying vehicle owners of inappropriate parking, road obstructions, and potential threats.
Conneci Tags are versatile and can be applied to a variety of items, including mobile devices, laptops, luggage, vehicles (4 wheelers, 3 wheelers, and 2 wheelers), houses, apartments, pet tags, and even for kids and adults.
Absolutely. Conneci prioritizes user privacy. During the recovery process, both the owner's and finder's identities remain confidential, ensuring a secure and anonymous connection.
Conneci stands out with its use of QR code technology, ensuring a secure and efficient connection process. It also goes beyond individual recovery, allowing users to contribute to community safety by notifying vehicle owners of potential issues such as inappropriate parking or road obstructions.
The process is simple. Users purchase Conneci Tags, each featuring a unique QR code. Attach the tag to your belongings or vehicles. In case of loss, anyone finding the item can scan the QR code using the Conneci App, establishing a secure connection for swift recovery.
Conneci is an innovative lost and found solution that utilizes QR code technology to facilitate seamless connections between owners and finders of misplaced items or vehicles. It goes beyond traditional lost and found services by offering community-driven safety features.